Namespace: GlobFX.SwiffChartGenerator
Assembly: GlobFX.SwiffChartGenerator (in GlobFX.SwiffChartGenerator.dll)

Returns the specified Y value of a series in the chart object.

Visual Basic
Public Function GetSeriesYValue( index As Integer, valueindex As Integer ) As Double
public double GetSeriesYValue( int index, int valueindex ); 


An integer value that specifies the zero-based index of the series in the chart object.
An integer value that specifies the zero-based index of the Y value in the series specified by index.

Return Value

A floating-point number containing the Y value spedified by valueindex in the data series specified by index.


If the index argument refers to a series that does not exist in the chart object, the GetSeriesYValue method raises an invalid series index error.

If the valueindex argument refers to a Y value that does not exist in the specified series, the GetSeriesYValue method raises an out of bounds error.

Code Sample

The following code illustrates use of the GetSeriesYValue method.

Visual Basic
' Set the series

' Retrieve the number of series stored in the chart object 
Dim n_series As Integer = chart.SeriesCount
Dim n_categories As Integer = chart.ValuesCount

If n_series = 0 Then
  Me.Response.Write( "No series available<br>" )
  ' Enumerate the series stored in the chart object 
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim j As Integer
  For i = 0 To n_series - 1
    ' Enumerate the XY points of the series 
    For j = 0 To n_categories - 1
      Dim str As String = "Series[" + i + "][" + j + "]="
      str= str + "(" + chart.GetSeriesXValue(i,j)
      str= str + ","
      str= str + chart.GetSeriesYValue(i,j) + ")<br>"
      Me.Response.Write( str )
End If
// Set the series

// Retrieve the number of series stored in the chart object 
int n_series= chart.SeriesCount;
int n_categories= chart.ValuesCount;

if( n_series == 0 )
  this.Response.Write( "No series available<br>" );
  // Enumerate the series stored in the chart object 
  for( int i = 0; i < n_series; ++i )
    // Enumerate the XY points of the series 
    for( int j = 0; j < n_categories; ++j )
      string str= "Series[" + i + "][" + j + "]=";
      str= str + "(" + chart.GetSeriesXValue(i,j);
      str= str + ",";
      str= str + chart.GetSeriesYValue(i,j) + ")<br>";
      this.Response.Write( str );

See Also

GetSeriesXValue Method | SeriesCount Property | SetSeriesYValuesFromString Method | SetSeriesYValuesFromArray Method

Applies To: Chart Object