Generates the chart in the requested format and write it to a file.

object.ExportAsFile filename 


Required. A Chart object.
Required. A string that specifies the name of the saved file.


If the system fails to create or generate the output file, the ExportAsFile method raises an error.

The format of the generated file (SVG, PNG, JPG, SWF or PDF file) can be specified by the method SetOutputFormat.

VBScript Sample Code

The following VBScript code illustrates use of the ExportAsFile method.

'Create the chart series
Dim values_1(2)
Dim values_2(2)

values_1(0) = 10
values_1(1) = 20
values_1(2) = 30

values_2(0) = 100
values_2(1) = 200
values_2(2) = 300

chart.SetSeriesValuesFromArray 0, values_1
chart.SetSeriesValuesFromArray 1, values_2

'Set the graphics settings from a style file
chart.LoadStyle "C:\myStyle.scs"

'The chart is complete, we can now generate the movie
chart.ExportAsFile "C:\MyChart.swf"

See Also

ExportAsResponse Method | ExportAsBinary Method | SetOutputFormat Method

Applies To: Chart Object