Retrieves the frame rate in frames per second of the Flash movie generated from a chart object.



Required. A Chart object.

Return Value

The GetFrameRate method returns an integer value that identifies the final frame rate in frames per second of the Flash movie generated from a chart object (see ExportAsResponse Method and ExportAsFile Method for generating a Flash movie).

Loading a chart style with the LoadStyle method sets the frame rate to the value stored in the style file.

This method only applies to Flash movies generation.

VBScript Sample Code

The following VBScript code illustrates use of the GetFrameRate method in an ASP page.

chart.LoadStyle "C:\myStyle.scs"

'Retrieve movie frame rate set by the call of LoadStyle method 
fps= chart.GetFrameRate

'We want a movie with a minimum frame rate of 12 frames per second 
If fps < 12 Then
 chart.SetFrameRate 12
End If


See Also

SetFrameRate Method | GetTitle Method | GetSubtitle Method | GetWidth Method | GetHeight Method

Applies To: Chart Object