Specifies the maximum size of the cache in KB (if caching is used).

object.SetMaxCacheSize kilobytes 


Required. A Chart object.
Required. A integer that specifies the size in KB.


If not defined in the Swiff Chart Generator Control Panel, the default maximum cache size is 4096 KB (4 MB).
The cache is automatically managed by Swiff Chart Generator so that it never allocates more than this amount of memory on disk.

This method overrides the Max Cache Size parameter value in the Swiff Chart Generator Control Panel as well as in the swfchart.ini configuration file

VBScript Sample Code

The following VBScript code illustrates use of the SetMaxCacheSize method.

'Create the chart series
chart.LoadStyle "C:\myStyle.scs"

'Set the maximum cache size to 20 MB
chart.SetMaxCacheSize 20*1024

'The chart is complete, we can now generate the movie
Response.Write chart.GetHTMLTag

See Also

SetMaxCacheSize Method | SetPrivateCacheDir Method | ClearCache Method | UseCache Method

Applies To: Chart Object