Generates the chart in the requested format and returns the corresponding binary data.

object->ExportAsBinary( )


Required. A Chart object.

Return Value

The ExportAsBinary method returns a binary value that contains the generated SVG image, or JPEG / PNG image, or Flash movie, or PDF document.


This method is actually similar to the ExportAsResponse method. However, ExportAsBinary does not write the generated data to the output. The method actually:

The format of the generated content can be specified by the method SetOutputFormat.

PHP Sample Code

The following PHP code illustrates use of the ExportAsBinary method.

// Create the chart series
$values_1= array();
$values_2= array();

$values_1[0] = 10;
$values_1[1] = 20;
$values_1[2] = 30;

$values_2[0] = 100;
$values_2[1] = 200;
$values_2[2] = 300;

$chart->SetSeriesValuesFromArray( 0, $values_1 );
$chart->SetSeriesValuesFromArray( 1, $values_2 );

// Set the graphics settings from a style file
$chart->LoadStyle( "C:\\myStyle.scs" );

// The chart is complete, we can now generate the movie
$bin_swf= $chart->ExportAsBinary();

// Once generated, we simply write the image to the output
Header("Content-Type: application/x-shockwave-flash");
Header("Expires: 0");
echo $bin_swf;

See Also

ExportAsFile Method | ExportAsResponse Method | SetOutputFormat Method

Applies To: Chart Object