Set categories names from data stored in a single-dimension array.

void object->SetCategoriesFromArray( array categories )


Required. A Chart object.
Required. A single-dimension array containing the categories names as elements.

PHP Sample Code

The following PHP code shows how to store the series and categories of the table below using the SetCategoriesFromArray method. This table has two series named "Year 2006" and "Year 2007". The categories are "North America", "South America", "Europe", "Middle East" and "Asia".

  North America South America Europe Middle East Asia
Year 2006 12 7.5 11.3 9.2 5.3
Year 2007 14 9.9 13.1 11.5 4.9

$myArray= array();

$myArray[0]= "North America";
$myArray[1]= "South America";
$myArray[2]= "Europe";
$myArray[3]= "Middle East";
$myArray[4]= "Asia";

// Fill the chart with the categories stored in the myArray variable

// Add the first series "Year 2006"
$myArray[0]= 12;
$myArray[1]= 7.5;
$myArray[2]= 11.3;
$myArray[3]= 9.2;
$myArray[4]= 5.3;

// Fill the first series with the data stored in the myArray variable
$chart->SetSeriesCaption(0, "Year 2006");
$chart->SetSeriesValuesFromArray(0, $myArray);

// Do the same way for the second series "Year 2007"

See Also

SetCategoriesFromString Method | GetCategory Method

Applies To: Chart Object