Swiff Chart Generator is implemented as a COM object and offers a variety of methods for managing and creating charts in Flash. Since COM objects are natively supported in ASP, running Swiff Chart Generator in your ASP pages is very simple.

To insert a chart in a ASP page you must call the CreateObject function available in VScript as well as in JScript. By calling this function you will create an instance of the Swiff Chart Generator COM object and have full access to its API (Read VBScript and JScript Reference manual of Swiff Chart Generator documentation for complete description of the API).

How does Swiff Chart Generator work in ASP pages?

Swiff Chart Generator offers you multiple possibilities to dynamically generate a chart. It allows you to:

One of the most straight forward strategy for dynamically generating a chart with Swiff Chart Generator consists in using 2 pages:

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
   <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="gen_chart.asp">

A simple ASP Example

The following example illustrates how simple it is to dynamically generate charts in Flash in a ASP page. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the example involves 2 files and an additional Swiff Chart style file (.scs):

To install and run this example, copy these 2 files on your Web site in the same directory.

ASP page: gen_chart.asp

<% @Language=VBScript %>
  Response.Expires= 0

  ' Create a Chart Object 
  Dim chart
  Set chart= Server.CreateObject("SwiffChartObject.ChartObj")

  ' Set the heading for the graph
  chart.SetTitle "My Chart"

  ' Set chart categories
  chart.SetCategoriesFromString "Q1;Q2;Q3"

  ' Fill chart series
  chart.SetSeriesCaption 0, "First Series"
  chart.SetSeriesValuesFromString 0, "1.2;3.5;11.3"

  chart.SetSeriesCaption 1, "Second Series"
  chart.SetSeriesValuesFromString 1, "2.3;4.5;9.3"

  chart.SetSeriesCaption 2, "Third Series"
  chart.SetSeriesValuesFromString 2, "3.2;5.5;14.3"

  ' Apply a Column style
  ' The chart type is stored in the style file (*.scs)
  ' Here the selected style is the predefined column style "SanFrancisco"
  chart.LoadStyle "column/SanFrancisco"

  ' Set the dimensions of the movie
  chart.SetWidth 400
  chart.SetHeight 200
   ' Finally generate the Flash chart

  ' Release the chart object
  Set chart= Nothing


HTML file: chart.html

<TITLE>Swiff Chart Generator - ASP Sample</TITLE>


<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" 
  <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="gen_chart.asp">
  <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
  <EMBED SRC="gen_chart.asp" 


What you will obtain