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HOW TO: Installing and Running Swiff Chart Generator JSP Samples

The information in this article applies to:

  • Swiff Chart Generator 2

Follow the steps below to install and run one of the Swiff Chart Generator JSP code samples:

  1. Download the Swiff Chart Generator java package SwiffChart.jar from the links below:
    For UNIX
      SwiffChart.jar (UNIX) 
    For Windows   
      SwiffChart.jar (Windows) 

    Make sure you have downloaded the JAR file that corresponds to your system (Unix or Windows).

  2. Copy the selected JSP code sample from the Knowledge Base into a file named <sample_name>.jsp
  3. Setup Swiff Chart Generator installation directory.

    Windows: Edit the JSP source code and replace the following line:
    String installation_dir= "/usr/local/SwiffChart";
    - by -
    String installation_dir= <Swiff_Chart_Generator_install_dir_path>;
    where <Swiff_Chart_Generator_install_dir_path> is the pathname of Swiff Chart Generator installation directory (usually "C:/Program Files/GlobFX Technologies/Swiff Chart Generator").

    Unix: If Swiff Chart Generator installation directory on your system is not /usr/local/SwiffChart, you must modify the JSP source code to specify the valid installation directory, replace the following line of code:
    String installation_dir= "/usr/local/SwiffChart";
    - by -
    String installation_dir= <Swiff_Chart_Generator_install_dir_path>;

  4. Create a new HTML page containing a Flash movie pointing to your newly created JSP file. Copy the following HTML code into <sample_name.html>:
    <h3>My Swiff Chart Generator JSP samples</h3>
    <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
           quality="high" />
  5. Install the JSP file <sample_name>.jsp, the HTML file <sample_name>.html as well as the the Swiff Chart Generator java package SwiffChart.jar on your JSP Application Server.
  6. View <sample_name>.html in your Web Browser to run the sample.

Keywords:JSP Servlet Java

Swiff Chart Generator